
SALE SALE SALE! (On selected Items!)

We've decided to have a little sale on the bigger vinyl pieces in conjunction with this weekend's bazaar. I know we have a very small selection at the moment but give us sometime and we'll bring in more. The following will be 30% off retail price:

Previously : USD100 // RM350 
Now : USD70 // RM250

Individual 4" (Captain Jack Maddox, Cadet Clyde Olson, Number One)
Previously : USD25 // RM85
Now: USD18 // RM60 each

Individual 8" (Major Ripper, Number Three, Special Agent Kakudji)
Previously : USD35 // RM120
Now: USD25 // RM85 each

Full set of 6 
Previously : USD150 // RM500
Now : USD100 // RM350 (set of 6)

Get them quick!! See ya at the bazaar!